News & Communication

The Staff and Committee at Paddocks Pre-school recognise the need for good communication


There are several ways in which you can keep in touch and follow your child’s development:


E-mail - All our parents/carers are kept up to date via email. However, if parents/carers do not have access to the internet we would provide paper copies of all correspondence including their child's learning journey


Drop Off & Pick Up - Whilst these are always busy times, staff will always take a minute to catch you if needed. Parents/carers are most welcome to mention any concerns before or after sessions. Please make an appointment to discuss issues privately or more fully


Tapestry - Our staff make regular observations of your child’s learning and development. This progress is documented online via Tapestry, an online application that allows our practitioners to share observations in a secure environment. Parents/carers can access the Tapestry application and review observations, even adding comments if they wish too. Additionally, parents/carers can contribute by sharing information about what your child likes to do at home and any special adventures they have been on. Parents/carers will be given information on how to log in to Tapestry during the first weeks of their preschool journey. Tapestry log in


Trays - There can be lots of useful information found in your child’s trays as well as artwork


Weekly Blog - Our weekly blog will be emailed to all parents/carers with an update of the week's events as well as any notices or reminders. They are also published on our website and our Facebook pages


Facebook - Paddocks Pre-school have a private group Facebook page for parents providing useful information about what is happening at our preschool


Outside White Board - Each day's activities are written on the white board situated to the right of our main door. This gives a brief summary of what the children have been doing during the day


Notice Board - This board is situated to the left of the main door and will provide you with all fundraising related information. Please keep an eye on this board as it will update you on events throughout the year and any other important information


Feedback - We welcome feedback throughout the year: Please do email or speak to a member of staff or one of the committee


Complaints - We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly after speaking to our Manager or Chair. However, if you would like to make a complaint in writing please refer to our Making a Complaint Policy (10.12) so that we can ensure your concerns are dealt with swiftly and provide a satisfactory outcome


Email Addresses

Lou Greenaway –

Office –

Committee Chairperson -


All correspondence will be treated in confidence

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Paddocks Pre School, Paddock Road, Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 9LT