Safeguarding at Paddocks Pre-School

Paddocks Pre-school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. At Paddocks Pre-school the health, safety and well-being of every child is our paramount concern. Please refer to our policies & procedures section for further information 


As an Ofsted registered day care provider we are legally required to report all cases of actual or suspected abuse of any child in our care


If you have concerns that a child may be suffering from abuse or neglect, or you are concerned about one of our employees or volunteers, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads. If for any reason they are unavailable, please discuss your concerns with one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Our Designated Lead will then contact The Designated Officers Team within 24 hours for support 


All our staff and committee members have up to date training in Safeguarding and have relevant DBS checks. Any new members of staff will be employed subject to DBS and Reference checks as well as passing our safer recruitment procedures 


Paddocks Designated Safeguarding Leads: Lou Greenaway 

Paddocks Designated Leads: Harriet Flanagan & Committee Chairperson


The Oxfordshire Designated Officer (formally known as the LADO): Jo Lloyd 

01865 815956


Special Educational needs

Part of our Safeguarding Policy is to ensure we meet the needs of each individual child and we take into account any special needs which a child may have


Our preschool works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2000)


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Sam Jones

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Paddocks Pre School, Paddock Road, Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 9LT